Amita Kilumanga is a costume, set and spatial designer who is particularly interested in exploring how the costume and the body create meaning in relation to the surrounding environment.
In 2000, Amita moved to England to study Theatre Design for performance at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. After graduating in 2003, she worked for almost 10 years as a costume designer and a costume supervisor in the field of performing arts before she decided to return to school. In 2016, Amita graduated from Aalto University as a master of arts majoring in costume design.
After graduating, she has worked extensively in the field of performing arts as a costume and spatial designer as well as a set designer.
Premiere 30.6.2023, Turun suurtorin keskiaikamarkkinat
Costume design: Amita Kilumanga
Photo: Jussi Virkkumaa
Premiere 22.11.2022 Baltic Circle Festival, RTI House, Helsinki
Team: Eric Barco, Geoffrey Erista, Aju Jurvanen, Selma Kauppinen, Amita Kilumanga, Iiris Laakso, Mikki Noroila
Photos: Tani Simberg
Premiere 13.5. 2021, Bodybuilding Festival, Tehdas Teatterin Jokistudio, Turku
Visualist and costume designer: Amita Kilumanga
Photos: Jussi Virkkumaa
Premiere 31.1.2020, Teatteri Mundo, Turku
Scenography and costume design: Amita Kilumanga
Photos: Frans Rinne