
Kirsi Ylinen

Scenographer, costume designer, Tampere, www

About me & costumes

I am a multitasking woman in the cultural sector specializing in theater costume design. I take care of costuming, staging, masking and props, and I have gained work experience both on stage and behind it, as well as in work management, teaching and sales tasks.

I design and manufacture various performance, party and epoch costumes for both professional use and private customers. I dress ballets, theater performances, bands, bachelor parties, medieval events, sports clubs, music videos, cosplays, or even magic shows with special costumes. I guide clients in the relevant masks, jewelry, masks, staging and props. If needed, I make the outfits, jewelry and accessories myself. Several special techniques, such as silver and leather work, are part of my professional skills.

I especially like to dress up mythological fantasy characters or design historical costumes. I think it’s fun to immerse yourself in other times and worlds. Dance costumes are also interesting due to the demands and possibilities caused by movement. I like to create large ensembles and easily keep the desired visual ensemble at any given time. I’m also a real wizard at making miracles even with a small budget and using old clothes to create something completely new from them.

The work is done flexibly and diligently with a sense of humor, with still sticking to the customer’s wishes strictly in the epoch or even tongue-in-cheek. However, you can count on that the quality or schedules is kept. Working as part of a workgroup is easy, but I can also handle my part completely independently from start to finish.

Cooperation is easy also in English.

Housut pois

Housut pois

Uudenkaupungin teatteri
Premiere 18.11.2017

Photo: Mika Nurmi Photography

Ronja Ryövärintytär

Ronja Ryövärintytär

Törvän kesäteatteri – 15th anniversary
Premiere: 12.07.2006

In the photo: Ronja (Anna-Riikka Rajanen), Birk (Timo Vuento) Männiäiset (Mika Laurila, Hanna Laurila, Hanna Julin, Viivi Saarela, Janne Lonka ja Harri Huttunen)
Photo: Johanna Tirronen

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Hällä teatteri
Premiere 2006

In the photo: Sanna-Maro Karinki (Deliah), Cino Miller (Miguel), Virpi Aho (Gina)
Photo: Lisbeth Hälikkä

Kesäyön uni

Kesäyön uni

Salon teatteri: William Shakespeare, Kesäyön uni
Premiere 22.01.2005

In the photos: Oberon (Arto Lindholm, edessä) Titania (Sanni Haahdenmaa Fairies: (Piia Ryhänen, Linda Salmi, behind Oberon)
Photo: Muurlan opiston opiskelijat

Sodoman Vampyyrilesbot

Sodoman Vampyyrilesbot

Original name of the play: Charles Busch: Vampire lesbians of Sodom, 1984.
Premiere 10.04.2003

In the photos: Leena Rousti (Succuba/La Condesa) and Pete Koskinen (Madeleine Astarte)
Photo and poster: Terhi Rita

Krokotiili Gena ja hänen ystävänsä

Krokotiili Gena ja hänen ystävänsä

Rauman Kaupunginteatteri
Premiere 17.09.2003

In the photo: Jaakko Kallio (Crocodile Gena), Timo Julkunen (Muksis) and Merja Salmela (Ulla)
Photo: Johanna Tirronen



Tampereen ylioppilasteatteri
Premiere 13.11.1998

In the photo: Jamie Ann Mäkinen, Katja Kinnari (in the front), Anne Niilola, Pete Koskinen ja Tuija Minkkinen (behind)
Photo: Hannu Vitikainen

Laulunäytelmä Ruoska ja rakkaus

Laulunäytelmä Ruoska ja rakkaus

Törvään kesäteatteri, jätkät-teatteri
Premiere 1996

In the photo: Keijo Kuivanen, Sami Ahonen

Prinsessa Ruusunen

Prinsessa Ruusunen

Savonlinnan kaupunginteatteri
Premiere 7.10.1995

In the photo: Antti Korhonen (the King) Mervi Koskinen (the Queen)
Photo: Pauli Lundén